hi. hello. it's been awhile. a loooooong while. i noticed that my last entry was in october sometime. yeesh. i guess i've been busy! it has been a crazy couple of months. and now, here i sit in an eerily quiet, empty house on this last day of 2009 (kids are at a sleepover with the cousins and the husband is at work). i'm left alone to survey the damage of the past few weeks... bills, empty packages scattered about, gifts needing to be put together and put away, leftovers needing to be thrown out (blech!), candlewax stains needing to be scraped off tables, mantels and carpets, new clothes needing to be hung, rooms needing to be organized... wow. it's quite alot to process at this moment. i think i'd rather just relax and reflect. and have a drink. excuse me while i go pour myself a glass of wine... *clinkclink*
so, there have been a few happenings and projects i've wanted to share, but just haven't had 5 minutes in a row to sit and blog about it... until now. i figure it would be sorta weird to share holiday projects and such AFTER today. i have approx. 7 hours left to get this in before the new year begins so here i go:
first on the list is my december DT work for Point Blank Period - Prompt #4/Holiday Madness. i'm also proud and honored to announce that the PBP blog and design team (along with our work for this particular prompt) were featured in the december issue of Scrap Street E-Zine! thank you to Sasha Holloway (PBP founder) and Stacey Michaud for the opportunity!

next are the only 3 holiday projects i managed to get done this year, but so glad i made some time to finish them. i'm quite fond of them! if you know me at all, you know that is something i rarely say about my own work. this first one was actually a Bleuprint i created for Bad Girls Kits back in november sometime using this page from a Pottery Barn catalog as my inspiration:

the result:

i decided it looked kinda lonely so i made 2 more holiday wall collages as a kick start to transforming my existing holiday decor. it's out with the red and in with the green, cream, gold & silver! (oh, and some Hambly. *swoon*)

i'm sorta sad i have to pack these away until next x-mas... unless i can find a spot somewhere to display them year-round. hmmmm...
lastly, i lied. i did manage to squeeze in this holiday project... these mini ATC's for some special peeps. i see making more of these little suckers in my future. SO FUN!
and there you have it. i had hoped to also share some photos of my holiday decor and general x-mas stuff - photos, events, gifts, blahblahblah - but i guess that will have to wait until next year. which isn't too far off! yes, Christmas is 12 months away, but if time flies as quickly as it did this year, it'll feel like we're doing it all over again in just a month or two. oy.
so 2010... what have you got in store for me? i've given up on resolutions, but have vowed to do the best i can on the goals i've made for myself this year. blogging is one of them. i took Shimelle Laine's Blogging for Scrapbookers class earlier this year. i've just looked over some of the lessons this past week and i am SOOOOOO glad i signed up for it! i've heard that her all of her classes are FANTASTIC and this one was no exception. (thank you, Shimelle!) there may be some changes in store for this blog soon and i am quite excited! until then...
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! twenty-ten... here we come!