
it's almost time...

... to reveal this little "project" i've dreamt of and made a reality - with the help of some of my favorite girls, whom also happen to be incredibly crafty & creative. i couldn't be more excited about the team that's in place for this venture and i can't wait to see them rock it out! 

i don't want to say too much yet, except that it combines 3 of my favorite things:

1. inspiration and the freedom to create based only on artistic interpretation
2. one of my favorite forms of art - ATC's (like this set i made recently for a dear friend)

3. swapping these little goodies with fellow ATC'ers (BUT... without having to make 2165436 at once!)
every set of cards will be one-of-a kind. FABULOUS.

sound interesting? 
august 1st... that's the day. 
i'm soooooooooooo excited! :)

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