

... that this would turn out to be a year of makeovers? i didn't. but that's certainly the direction it's headed - from the house, to the backyard, to my blog (a work in progress), to myself (creatively & physically) - all makeovers. and clearly, much needed ones.

i've been working on makeover #1 - the house - purging like a madwoman for an upcoming garage sale, much to my family's dismay.
(sure, pricing my husband's electric and classical guitars at $5 each might seem a tad unreasonable, but dude... they've been collecting dust and taking up space in our closet for 14 years! play them or sell them!) it's time to let go of things that are tolerated but not loved, which unfortunately seems to be just about everything. my house will be an empty shell. or... a blank canvas! yes. that will lead to makeover #2 - redecorating. with plenty of before/after photos. fun!

the blog - i'm working on here and there. it is currently a little drab, isn't it? it's ok. you can tell me. i know it. (though it's not horrible for being my first try at it. right? am i right? eh.) the trouble with it has been figuring out exactly what i want, and i think i finally have. now it's just finding the time (and a little help) to get it done. which i will. so don't freak if one day this blog is
completely different. please.

myself - well, i'll have to save that for another post. a long one. i will say this... i am preparing myself physcially & mentally for the challenge i have ahead. and i'm hoping that the result will have been well worth it.

now, some sharing of the art. believe it or not, i have had a few creative moments so far this year. go me!

i'm very excited about this first one because:
1.) i was asked to be a GD over
The Creative Type challenge blog. (yay!)
2.) it's a super fun challenge & i had a blast making this layout (go check it out!). special thanks to all the girls (especially
this one) for letting me GD for you. you're the bestest!

some puffies i made for a Favorite Season ATC swap over at SIStv:

a layout i made for a Pencil Lines challenge - sk.171, using a photo of the lovely Michelle Sanders (thanks for letting me steal your photo off of FB, sanders!):

some Valentine pretties for some special friends:

and a little Valentine lovin' for the husband (and also a Bleuprint for Bad Girls Kits):

speaking of Bad Girls Kits... my 6-month term has ended. i have mixed emotions, but i can truly say that i am grateful to have had the experience because it was an educational one... on so many levels. it motivated me to become a better artist(scrapper? crafter?). and it exposed me to some of the most creative paper & mixed-media artists, whom i will continue to be inspired by. so, thank you. :)

holylongpost! it's what happens when i go weeks without. i do have more i want to share but,... perhaps tomorrow. what? it could happen! ;)




Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! u have been busy!!! loveeeeeeeeeeee the creations! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Jan said...

I think your blog looks GREAT! :)

I'm so with ya on the minimalizing the house thing. My darling M&M are moving back to AZ Thursday (gulp, cry, cry), but after those loveable but messy people leave, I'm so feeling like just tipping the house over and shaking everything out. Or something LIKE that!

Have you ever seen the Zen Habits blog? Great stuff for keeping it simple.

Happy improvements. (I love ya just like you are, though!)


bethchien said...

she blogs!!!! (you know..like SHE BANGS!) HA
Anyhoo...I love this holylongpost! It made me smile...and well, today, my friend, I am in a pissy mood! lol
Anyhoo...my fave proj from the post is the Bad Girls blueprint. That is sooo beautiful!
and I am changing alot on myself, too. So good luck! and I am here for ya...if you need some motivational words like SNAP OUT OF IT, FUCKA!!! COME ON, YOU CAN DO IT, YA TRAMP!!!!!
Anyhoo...talk to you soon! you WILL be going down on these next rounds of WWF (haha not wrestling, but Words With Friends. ;P)
Later, hooka!

jacque4u2c said...

You have on busy bee! I love the look of your blog - so easy to follow and read! Love the layouts - you are always so inspiring!

Christine said...

I so love a good purge. I too am prepping for the BIG garage sale and some donating of course. I always feel so much better after letting go of all that stuff that isn't being used, worn, loved anymore. It's very liberating and who doesn't love having more space?

kL said...

you need to create more bc these are wonderful!!

Paz said...


Ok, lady, that Valentines you made for your husband is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!

And of course I loved your layout for The Creative Type:)

Your blog is cute to begin with, but if you feel like a change, go for it, it can only get cuter!

Erin said...

good stuff Miss A. Glad to see you on blogland again...now for some IRL hanging. Good luck with all the remodels. I too am on a new path these days. Lots to do and think about.

Anonymous said...

i love it all. i need to do the same. purge and make big changes. can't wait to see what you do.

Haberdawoman said...

Glad your getting your blog on 'cause theirs a whole lot of yummyness on the post alone ;)

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